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JOBCHART OF TEACHERS | టీచర్స్ జాబ్ చార్ట్ | Duties of Teachers and Head Master


  • Duties of teachers and Head master - G.O NO. 54
  • Duties of Head Masters and teachers of all Govt schools (i.e. Govt schools, zilla parishad schools, municipal schools, aided schools and all recognized schools) are issued by school education as a job chart by G.O. M.s no: 13, dated: 08.01.1986 and G.O.M.s no: 54 dated: 01.06.2000.


(G.O.Ms.No. 54, Education (Ser V) dated 01.06.2000 )


1.     Teaching of eight periods a week, preferably one subject, completely in general

2.     Guiding teachers of his own subjects in particular and others in general

3.     Arranging for professional guidance from his own and also from local experts, if available, in other subject areas

4.     Informing the departmental inspecting officers for the guidance he requires in specific areas

5.     Formulating minimum academic programme and institutional plan with the help of his assistants and implement it

6.     Arranging demonstration lessons in all the subject areas by competent subject teachers

7.     Undertaking action research programmes

8.     Arranging Conferences, Workshops, Seminars etc.,


1.     Periodical (monthly) check-up of the lesson plans and year plans prepared by the Assistant Teachers of his own school

2.     Preparation of time table and their proper implementations

3.     Observation of class-room teaching of the assistants to the extent of one period during a working day (preferably X Class) and recording it with suggestions for improvement

4.     Proper organization of activity areas, namely physical education, health education, creative activity and socially useful productive work (SUPM) and moral education

5.     Introduction of scouting and guiding as co-curricular activities and their proper supervision

6.     Preparing the School for participation in science fairs and in games and sports

7.     Completion of Syllabus as per plan of Academic calendar

8.     Organize Book Banks, Sanchayika School Bank, Co-operative Stores etc., where ever possible

9.     Maintain a Watch register to the Academic •and Para Academic work turned out by assistants.


a)    Observation of Class-room teaching of every assistant to the extent of one period for each term

b)    Maintain all the registers prescribed

c)    Collect, utilize and maintain the accounts relating to special fee funds

d)    Supervise work of office staff

e)    Submit pay bills etc., promptly

f)     Ensure regular attendance of pupils, teachers, and office staff

g)    Conduct daily school assembly, arrange for proper maintenance and utilization of library, prescribe school uniform; celebration of National festivals; make the pupils to participate in the competitions of academic importance;

h)    Conduct tests and examinations efficiently

i)      Any other assignment and responsibilities specifically entrusted department and or management

j)      Organize parent-teacher association

k)    Enlist community support for school improvement programmes.

Duties of Teachers at Secondary Level


a)    To teach all allotted subjects during the allotted periods

b)    Guiding subject to junior teacher, if any

c)    Correction of written work of the pupils regularly

d)    Correction of answer scripts relating to all unit tests and terminal examinations

e)    Developing aptitude for professional advances participation

f)     Implementation of minimum academic programme chalked out in his subjects

g)    Recognizing pupil's deficiencies and conducting remedial teaching

h)    Proper use of teaching and learning materials available in the school

i)      Improving Black Board Work

j)      Undertaking action, research and innovating practices.

2. Class Room Administration: 

a)    Maintenance of classroom discipline

b)    Maintenance of attendance register

c)    Encouraging pupils in maintaining personal hygiene and classroom cleanliness

d)    Attending the class regularly

e)    Assisting the Headmaster in the sale / distribution of text books, teachers' day flags etc.,

f)     Participation and organization of National Festivals in the school

g)    Arrangement and organization of Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities

h)    Encouraging pupils to follow dress restrictions and general discipline in the school

i)      Adhering to the duties and responsibilities specifically designed to the subject departments

j)      Any other duties and responsibilities assigned to him by the Headmaster under orders of his superiors.



The concept of institutional plan is not at all new. However, most of the Institutions do not maintain any plans. As such Headmasters are requested to recall the following objectives:

a)    To provide understanding of the physical features of the institution, its human and material resources and other resources available around the school for educational utilization.

b) To provide minimum academic programme for the year in respect of all classes

c) To seek societal support for resource mobilization for the Physical improvement of the institution

d) Headmasters are to plan in respect of the following aspects

(A)    Institutional information

(B)    Plan of Curricular Activities

(C)    Co-curricular Activities

(D)    Monitoring and Supervision

(E)     Resource Mobilization

(A)   Institutional Information

a)    History from inception

b)    Present Name and location with details of Recognition

c)    Strength particulars: class-wise, caste-wise and sex-wise showing physically handicapped  

d)    children    

e)    Human Resources of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

f)     Details of accommodation and playground facilities and sanitary facilities

g)    Present Plan in creation of new facilities

h)    Details of furniture and equipment (audio-visual, laboratory, library, N.C.C.  Scouting and   games etc.)

i)      Details of educational institutions within the radius of School Complex

j)      Community resources available

k)    Plan for additional resources to be made available during the current year.

(B) Plan of Curricular Activities:

a)    Academic plans of subject teachers

b)   Annual Plan and Unit Plan

c)    Planning and Administration of Assignments, Unit Tests and Terminal Examinations

d)    Plan for Written Work assigned for pupils

e)    E.g:- Composition, Science Records, Map-drawing, Homework etc.

f)     Identification of Academically Backward Children; Class wise, Subject wise, and plans for remedial teaching or supervised study.

(C)  Planning of Co-curricular Activities:

1.     Subject Club activities

2.     Elocutions. Debates, Quiz, Organization of Exhibitions and Seminars

3.     Utilization of School Library and Laboratory

4.     Celebration of National Festivals

5.     Participation in the Cultural Activities

6.     Participation in the Games and Sports

7.     Organization of Excursions

8.     Activities of Students Associations

9.     Participation in Competitions conducted at various levels. 

(D)  Monitoring and Supervision:

1.     Conduct of Monthly Staff Conference and appraisal of performance by each staff    member

2.     Review of activities planned under curricular and co-curricular areas periodically

3.     Support of Academically Backward Children and convening Parent -Teacher  Association Meeting

4.     Review of results at the end of Terminal Examinations or Public Examination

5.     Organizing Cluster Resource Centre Meetings

(E)    Resource Mobilization

1.     Organize SEC Meetings

2.     Collection of Voluntary Contributions by way of money and material through SEC

3.     Shardana for improving infrastructure.


1.     Each Class should display the following:

2.     Timetable — Subject-wise & Teacher-wise

3.     Pupils Roll and Attendance

4.     Division of Syllabi Subject-wise and month-wise

5.     Proverbs and Moral sayings

6.     Code of conduct for pupils

7.     Display of TLM (Teaching Learning Material)

8.     List of highest achievers — subject-wise to motivate the students to fix their targets to break the previous records

9.     Chart showing the House / Squads

10. Talent search chart with the list of students interested/talented in co-curricular activities like songs, dramas, drawing, quiz, debating essay writing, handicrafts etc.


The Headmaster's Room should display the following :

1.     Pupils Roll and attendance particulars class-wise

2.     Time Table — Class-wise and Teacher-wise

3.     Vll and X classes results for the last five years. List of highest achievers in SSC & Vll classes

4.     Institution Plan

5.     List of PTA and SEC

6.     List of Headmasters worked in the school with period

7.     List of Inspecting Officers with dates of Inspection

8.     Additional responsibilities of teachers i.e., Sanchayika, Consumer club, National Green Core, Cultural activities, Quiz Programmes, Talent Examinations, WE/Craft etc.,

9.     Map of School building

10. List of staff members and the sanctioned posts

11. Civil list of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff with vacancy position

12. List of Schools in the School Complex.

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